"Hope is not a plan..." - Glenn Cannon, Sr.
Former director of Disaster Response @FEMA @DHSgov
As the coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread within the United States and internationally, Performance Rehabilitation & Regeneration and Hands On Therapeutics are continuing to closely monitor the situation, as well as take the necessary steps to protect the safety of our clients, staff and community. We are closely monitoring the guidance from the CDC and local jurisdictions to keep our patients and employees safe and informed.
If you have any of the symptoms depicted or are feeling ill in any way, please DO NOT COME to our office for your appointment. If you have traveled within the last two weeks please notify our office so we can reschedule your appointment! Please call 314.994.9355 to cancel any appointments with Performance Rehabilitation & Regeneration/Dr. Ravi Yadava.
We truly appreciate and thank you for your anticipated cooperation in helping to keep our office safe and illness free.